Quick reminder! Sale-A-Bration is drawing to a close and that means you only have days left to select your free product. Spend $50 before shipping and tax and choose any product listed below. *Note: items that have been sold out have been removed for your convenience.
Shop in my online store and place any size order and receive my featured Project PDF Tutorial for free. I also offer other great REWARDS which can be found HERE. Take a look at this month's Featured Project PDF Tutorial HERE.
On March 19th I held my 5th "Crafting at the Lodge" Retreat. I absolutely love making these full day retreats relaxing, fun and memorable. I always choose a theme and this spring retreat was centered around a tea party.
We enjoy the entire 3,000 square feet provided at this venue so we can spread out. Everyone attending has a "station" where they unpack their paper crafting supplies – a spot to call their own. I provide 6 make & take projects that include techniques, folds and even some 3D projects. The make & take stations are available all day so each person can stamp at their own pace. The retreat also includes lunch and a sit down dinner complete with cloth napkins. All the food is cooked on premises and super yummy!
Everyone attending receives a goodie bag containing $30 in product. I give away door prizes throughout that day that include bundles of product. We play games that entice mingling and I give away generous prizes to the winners. I offered additional door prizes tickets if they arrived with a handmade name tag and/or a tea party inspired hat. The results were amazing!
Betty used a child's porcelain tea set to make her hat. Adorable (and heavy, she said)!
The tea cups on Orpha's hat were created with paper. It was colorful and fun!
And the name tags were equally as creative! Here are just a few.
I will be sharing some of the make & take projects over the next few weeks. Others will be available in a PDF format under my Online Classes tab. Check back often so you don't miss anything!
Isn't amazing what we can create with paper?!

You are so well organized and the hours you spent preparing for everyone to enjoy the day really shows. I love the decorated hats. Can’t wait to see the projects you had for them to make. Thanks for sharing this fun day.
Hi HJ! Organized I am. I think it’s one of my God-given talents but trust me when I tell you there are many other things I’m not good at. 🙂 I love holding these events and spoiling those that attend. Themes make planning so much fun and I’m glad that it shows.